Leider komme ich viel zu selten zum Backen, aber ich habe doch all diese süßen Stempelchen, die sich so gut für die Verpackung von Selbstgebackenem machen.
Also habe ich meiner Oma ein paar davon zugesteckt, die verschenkt nämlich zu Weihnachten gerne ihre Kekse an Freunde und Bekannte.
Hello :)
Unfortunately I'm not a great baker (or rather I don't have the time to bake) but what I do have is lots of super cute stamps for selfbaked goods...
Unfortunately I'm not a great baker (or rather I don't have the time to bake) but what I do have is lots of super cute stamps for selfbaked goods...
Of course I can't let those sweet images go to waste so I made a couple of treat bag toppers for my grandma, because she loves to give her Christmas cookies to friends and family.
Stempel | stamps: Mama Elephant - Baked with Love, Create a Smile - Geheime Zutat
Stanzen | dies: MFT - Treat Bag Topper
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