Wednesday 2 September 2020

happiest birthday ever


Mein Bruder hat sich für eine Freundin eine Geburtstagskarte gewünscht, die Vorgaben waren Elefant und ihre Lieblingsfarben rot, pink und türkis. Ich gebe zu, das ist eine Kombi zu der ich normalerweise nicht greifen würde, aber er ist zufrieden und ihr gefällt sie hoffentlich auch :)

So, this is weird. In German, we have a very distinctive word for the sound an elephant makes but I just couldn't think of it in English. Even after a short google search, there doesn't seem to be a proper word!

Anyway, my brother asked if I could make a card for his friend, the only specifications were an elephant and her favourite colours red, pink and turquoise. I admit, I probably wouldn't normally use that combo but he liked the result and I hope she will too :) 

Stempel | stamps: MFT - Birtdhay Buds

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa! A lovely card you made for your brothers friend. You ticked all the boxes from his wishlist and it came together in a adorable card. I don't think we have a word for the elephantnoise in Dutch and I also don't know if there is a English word for it. But the German word is too cute!
